1) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
Greenford news story: Sean Shaw
National news story: Hong Kong police arrest 500 protesters
London news story: Antibiotic resistance: Cameron warns of medical dark ages
Sports news story: World cup Belgium beat USA 2 - 1
Funny news story: Top kids authors with colourful benches
2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience?
Greenford news story: We chose this story because… It is Greenford high schools most read story and it is an interesting story that will attract more viewers.
National news story: We chose this story because… It is a big thing that is happening right now and more people around the world would like to know what is happening in other countries.
London news story: We chose this story because… It tells people what is going on in their own country as well as knowing what is going on in other countries.
Sports news story: We chose this story because…The world cup is a global thing and people all over the world know about it, it is very popular and attracts people from all over the world.
Funny news story: We chose this story because… it is a funny story, everyday people are looking for a laugh, laughing is what brings happiness so we chose this story because it can make people smile and laugh which brings them happiness.
3) What order did you broadcast the stories in? Why did you place the stories in that order?
The 1st story we broadcasted was Greenford news, in second place we broadcasted London News, thirdly we broadcasted National news, in the fourth postion we broadcasted Funny news and finally in the fifth postion we broadcated Sports News.
We broadcasted these news topics in the order we gave because firstly comes the important news that more poeple are likley to watch/read then we broadcasted the entertainment such as funny news and sports because all the intresting and fun stuff always comes in the end when watching something like BBC news.
4) How did you make sure the script was the right length?
We made sure the script was the right lenght by removing the sentences we didnt need and by making sure every story lasted 12 seconds by rehersing them over and over.
5) How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
In order to make sure each story was clean and easy to understand we made sure we kept it very basic and used simple TERMINOLOGY so every one can understand what we were talking about.
6) How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
We made sure the broadcast was professional by doing what we see professionals do on TV, we took ideas from what they did and reflected this in our own work.
7) What was your specific role in the group?
My specific role in the group was the Journalist, Journalists find the all the news topics and hands it over to the editer.
8) Rate your group’s ability to work collaboratively out of 5 (1=poor, 5=excellent)
In my opinion i would rate my groups ability to work collaboratively around a ' 3 ' because we werent really organised in time and the communication skills was a bit off.
9) How could your group have worked more effectively as a team?
My team could have worked more effectively if we had better organisation and communication skills, by having those not only could we be more effective but also could have worked faster and had a lot more done and covered.
10) Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
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