Saturday, 8 November 2014

Case Study

My Chosen Film:


I have chosen The Wolf of Wall Street as my Case Study.


I have chosen The Wolf of Wall Street as my Case Study. This is because on IMDB it got rated 8.3, it is also one of the films that I can expand my answers on as there is a lot of things I can talk about. 

Institutional Background:


The Institutional Background of The Wolf of Wall Street is Red Granite Pictures. 


The UK theatrical distributor for The Wolf of Wall Street is Universal Pictures International.

No Brand Loyalty: 


The genre The Wolf of Wall Street fits into is Biography/Comedy/Crime. 


The Wolf of Wall Street fits into the genre Biography/Comedy/Crime because in the trailer it shows the life of a boy from high school towards his future life and how he becomes rich. The genre Comedy fits this film because there are some funny scene's in this film but the jokes made in this film is aimed at higher aged people. The genre Crime fits into this film as there are fighting moments and a scene that uses a gun as shown in the trailer. 


The Wolf of Wall Street is not a sequel. It does not have a follow up film.


No, no previous films by the writer, director or star is mentioned in this film trailer.

It's all a matter of timing: 


The UK's release date for The Wolf of Wolf Street is 17th January 2014


The first trailer appeared on Youtube on the 16th of July 2013, this was the earliest example i could find as it was direct from the production company's page, Paramount Pictures.


The release of my movie was first released in New York, on the 17th of December 2013. The other types of marketing i found relating to my movie was many teaser trailers, posters/billboards, online adverts on websites, also some interviews popped up online from some of the actors talking about the build up to the movie.

It's a social thing:


The word of mouth for my chosen film is pretty good, its online ratings are high with IMDB rating it a 8.3 which is pretty good because IMDB users are usually pretty harsh when it comes to rating movies. for example, some movies i have seen i would rate a 10/10 but on IMBD the rating is a lot lower. So all in all i feel the reviews form IDMB are pretty good, there are some mixed responses but most are positive thus giving it a 8.3.


"Martin Scorsese has done it again." 
"The humor is not bad and there is a decent amount of it throughout the movie."
""The Wolf of Wall Street" paints a very decadent picture of the financial sector and its corrupted denizens, perverted by money and greed."

These 3 quotes show different pictures of what the reaction is of my movie, i feel the can still all relate and paint one main picture of what my film looks like.

Risky Business:


The original budget for my movie was estimated to be around $100,000,000 (one million)


below is how much the wolf of wall street made in its opening weekend:

$18,361,578 (USA) (27 December 2013) (2,557 Screens)
AUD 4,460,762 (Australia) (23 January 2014) (325 Screens)
HUF 75,696,997 (Hungary) (29 December 2013)
€3,811,319 (Italy) (26 January 2014) (560 Screens)


The wolf of wall street grossed in around $392 million world wide.

Stars in their eyes:


The director of my movie is Martin Scorsese, he also directed other movies such as Shutter Island and many others, some are of similar genre but the majority of them are of different genres. i feel this is better for him as it shows how diverse he can be when it comes to directing.


the main star in the film is Leonardo DiCaprio, he played Jordan Belfort 


Leonardo is many other films, some are similar but not all, i feel he is a really good and diverse actor as he can play many different roles in movies. although he is yet to win an Oscar, i feel he is one of the best.


The name of the director is mentioned in the 20th second of the trailer and it says "FROM ACADEMY AWARD WINNING DIRECTOR *MARTIN SCORSESE* and then in the 38th second Leonardos name and other actors such as Johna Hill are mentioned.

The writer of this movie was a man who was actually known as Jordan Belfont who was arrested for fraud in the stock market. so this movie was based on true events. 

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