Wednesday, 10 September 2014

fifa advert

Media Language

The first key convention that tells you this is a sports game is the EA Sports logo in the middle also the way the word `FIFA` is written is the same every year a Fifa game comes out. The key images on this cover shows pictures of two really talented footballers Lionel Messi and Gareth Bale. These superstars from the Premier League/La Liga are specifically chosen to advertise on the FIFA 14 cover as they are really good footballers and they are known world wide, FIFA has used these 2 superstars because every one would recognise them which makes it a better selling point for their games. In the background you can see that there is a real stadium and fans whcih have no colour, which means these are less important, and the things in colour are what are meant ot stand out, making them more eye catching.


The game was produced by EA sports and is avalible on many platforms. The game was first made to be played on the ps3 and xbox before it was made for any other games console,. It is a very successful game untill this day and continues to sell out nationwide. EA has a repuatation for creating different marketing campagins and FIFA is one of their most succesfull games.


There are 2 males on the picture, Football is predominantly a male game, but it would still apply to some females who like sport. There is no specific age range as young kids to adults can play the game, although on the cover it says 12+ which states children under the age of 12 would struggle on how to play the game. The main colours are black, white, strong red and strong blue; these are more manly colours, whereas females would like softer colours such as pink, light blue and yellow.


The cover of the fifa game has no ethnicity because the two males on the cover are from different backgrounds, this is normal for Fifa as they represent themselves as cutlery diverse. The videogames market is popular for both male and female but fifa is more focused on males as seen in this advert because of the images and colours used

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