Thursday, 18 September 2014

Minotory Report

This medium close up shot allows a clear shot of the police men who looks like they have came to get someone. These police men looks like they are after someone as they came in a group and it also looks like they are after someone very dangerous as they look like they are armed and well protected. They look armed because they are wearing safety helmets and you can see the strap of were the gun is, you can also see their protective clothing the police men are wearing. This allows the audience to understand there is going to be some kind of action/drama about to take place, also the Juxtaposition of the scene before this was Tom Cruise running of the subway train and running into these police men and this tells the audience that these police men are about to chase Tom Cruise.

Also they look like they are somewhere underground as you can see the staircase going down behind the group of the police men.

 This is an Wide Shot image, a Wide Shot image allows us to see were the scene is set. In this Wide Shot image we can see a old car that looks like it has been vandalized and been sitting in that one spot for some time, also in the background we can see some houses/shops that looks like it is in repair because you can see the builders standing area. The Juxtaposition of the scene before this was Tom Cruise running away from the police men so this will let the audience know that Tom Cruise will be running round the corner and coming into this Wide Shot scene.
Also this scene looks like it has been taken from the front of an alley way, you can tell this because we can see darkness and shadows and if you look behind the car we can see Tom Cruise running towards the alley way as if he is running away the police men that is chasing him, also the car is rusty and looks like it hasn't been moved for a while. Also the shops are under construction so this lets the audience know that running into an alley way is not a good idea as there could be criminals there.


This image looks like it is a Medium Close Up Shot, a Medium Close Up Shot is when we can see the main character's face to his shoulder.
In this Medium Close Up image we can see Tom Cruise who looks like he has been captured by the group of the police men, we can tell this by his facial expressions, he looks like he is out of breathe, and looks like he is talking with the police men.
Behind Tom Cruise we can see the alley way he ran into, we can't see a lot of the alley way but we can see the shop he got caught in front of while he is in the alley way.The Juxtaposition of the scene before this was Tom Cruise running into the alley way trying to get away from the police. This lets the audience know that Tom Cruise didn't get far from the police and knows that Tom Cruise may do something to get away from the police or Tom Cruise may get taken in to questioning by the police.
This scene looks like it has been taken from someone were outside the alley way but really it is inside the alley way because in the scene before this we know that he ran inside the alley way and that is were he got caught.

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